1 Pre-reading 1
4. 6,000 women are needed to make an equal male-female balance.
2 Pre-reading 2
3 Key words
1. elected chambers
2. amalgamated
3. sidelined
4. headhunters
5. glass ceiling
6. shortlists
7. thrive
8. boardrooms
9. FTSE 100
4 General understanding
1. No. It means that even if they have a nanny, successful women still find it hard to get promotion.
2. No. In some sectors there is a decline.
3. Yes, because they also need to deal with the barriers that prevent women from progressing.
4. Yes.
5. No. Of the 33,000, another 6,000 should be women.
6. Yes, 40 elections in 200 years.
7. No, it means that it would be a good idea if the political parties had some all-female lists of
candidates for election.
8. No, the pay gap between women and men gets bigger for 30-year-olds.
9. No, again, the pay gap is even bigger for part-time staff.
10. Yes, because if men could request flexible working, too, then women would not risk losing their jobs by doing so.
5 Vocabulary development 1: Lexical sets
Findings of the study (the research, our survey, the report)
Fallen, decreased (slipped, dipped)
Government, administration (politics, parliament, elected chambers, assembly, the public sector, the civil service)
Racial descriptions (non-white, black, from ethnic minorities
Private industry (boardrooms, the private sector, companies)
The law (courts, judges, the judiciary, the legal system)
6 Vocabulary development 2: Compound adjectives
a. all-women
b. non-white
c. full-time
d. low-paid
e. under-represented
f. male-dominated
Now match the compound adjectives with the nouns they described:
3 a
4 b
5 c
7 Vocabulary development 3: Metaphorical language
1. enjoy an equal voice.
2. to fish in half the talent pool.
3. slip further down the career ladder.
4. spells career death.
Now match the expressions with the meanings below:
1 c
2 d
3 a
4 b
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