27 diciembre, 2008

Cleft Sentences: Key

It + be + information emphasized +relative clause
(a noun phrase) (who, that)
Ex: It is money that people care about.
What + information emphasized + be + complements
Ex: what I like is the way she smiles

6. a. what you need is a few days’ rest...
b. It is money that people care about nowadays.
c. what we need is someone to help us, not someone to...
d. What I like (about him) is the way he always listens...
e. It is his attitude towards other people that really ...
f. What I don’t understand is why you had to...
g. It wasn’t me who decided to take a short cut...
h. What the world needs is love, peace and...
7. (suggested answers)
b. ...the cultural variety.
c. ...idleness... annoys me
d. ...speaking.
e. ...listening...
f. ...education.
g. ...my father ... be a hard worker.
h. ...Leticia... she likes to be the queen.

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